December 15, 2004

The goal is to generate "an emotional moment between a consumer and a brand. It sounds a little goofy, a little abstract, if you talk about it too much. The big challenge is to dimensionalize the aspects of a brand — what a brand is, who it wants to be — and use the visuals to support the story about that brand you want to tell."

STUART ELLIOTT, New York Times, December 7, 2004

Putting Your Brand in Context...


The herd expands...

The CattLeLogos team is negotiating with a number of other communications companies to create The CONTEXT: MARKETING GROUP, an association of experienced professionals that provides a full range of marketing services from planning and strategy through marketing program implementation.

The principals of The CONTEXT:MARKETING GROUP have deep credentials in all aspects of marketing and communication -- in theory and in practice, in companies large and small, and in a wide variety of industries.

What is CONTEXT: MARKETING? As we've talked about in our seminars and publications, there are explicit and implicit aspects to all your business communication. The Explicit aspects are the Content. Content is specifics. It's details. It's what's said.

The Implicit, or the Context, are more nebulous. Context is the background within which the content is received, reviewed, and evaluated by potential and existing customers. The value of your content depends on the filters through which your audience perceives it.

Content is easy to control. Context is hard to control. However, it's by presenting your Content in the right Context that you make an emotional connection to the customer. This is key to the success of your marketing efforts.

Seminar News

We've gotten such great feedback on AbuLLard's Brand Seminar and Workshop... for example,

"The CattLeLogos Method is the best system for building a business brand that I have seen."

... that we are expanding our offering to include a full day intensive workshop. We'll be setting dates for the next half day and the full day workshops in early January.

We can also do the seminar "in-house" if your organization is going through a brand transition or just needs to get more focus.

Contact us if you are interested in more information.

We are also available to speak to organizations about branding, networking, and guerilla marketing for small business. Recent speaking engagement include:

  • Rowan University Student Marketing Association, 12/6

  • Women's Business Development Center, 12/9

  • Old Girls Network, 12/14

Brand Element of the Month:

Fundsources, Inc.

Becky Corbin, President

856.467.3591 [email protected]

We connected with Fundsources, Inc through the Entrepreneur's Forum of Southern New Jersey. Becky often use gardening and growth analogies in fundraising training and was looking for an identity that captured that feeling.  


We suggested using "wheat" as a graphic element and the logo shown at the right evolved.


Becky describes the elements and symbolism of logo very elegantly:

  • The colors of green and gold represent wealth, growth and prosperity.
  • Wheat symbolizes growth, successful work and the bread it will ultimately become to sustain life.
  • The white circle in the logo suggests a lens to help clients focus on opportunities for growth.


“In every community, there is work to be done.  In every nation, there are wounds to heal.  In every heart, there is the power to do it.” - Marianne Williamson

Hayloise's Book of the Month

A new feature this month!

Hayloise is an avid reader and each month will review a book on a relevant topic. This month it's, The Experience Economy by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore.


Why can Starbuck's get so much more for a cup of coffee? Because they are setting the context for savoring the experience of that cup of coffee.


Pine and Gilmore provide insight into creating engaging customer experiences for which customers will pay a premium. A highly original book that challenges the way you think about your customer relations.

Click on the book cover image to go to its page on

Brand Tip of the Month

Use the holiday season as an opportunity to thank your customers for their business and your suppliers for their support.

In the spirit of this holiday season we offer CattLeLogos 12 Days of Branding

And we won't force you through all 12 verses... just the last one. So on that note:

On the 12th day of Branding CattLelogos gave to me:

TweLve Steps of Branding

ELeven extra templates

Ten web pages

Nine new type styLes

Eight coLor choices

Seven Brand Metrics

Six custom cLip art

Five steps to VaLue

Four Means to market

Three key Messages

Two type of Images, and

A Vision for my company!


Do you like our newsletter? We would love to work with you on developing a newsletter for your business.

Give us a call: 215.732.1553 or contact us by e-mail.

Copyright 2004 CattLeLogos Brand Management Systems, LLC.
All rights reserved.

AbuLLard, AbuLLard's ABC's of Branding, the CattLeLogos Method are trademarks of CattLeLogos Brand Management Systems, LLC.

Published December 15, 2004

Contact us:
[email protected]

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