CattLeLogos is a Certified Women's Business Enterprise
©CattLeLogos Brand Managment Systems LLC 2002, All rights reserved
Site updated 04/12/04
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AbuLLard's ABC's of Branding

26 concepts that Capture the Essence of Good Brand Management

Most business books about branding are too thick and too analytical for most people, especially if branding isn’t their primary interest. Our approach to demystifying the process of good branding was to reduce it to concepts that we could make visual and memorable by illustrating them in a humorous, slightly irreverent way.

For people who aren’t normally brand advocates, this book gets the point across that everyone in a company needs to practice good branding principles, not just the marketing department.

For those who already understand branding, they’ll find this book is a great way to get the point across to people in other disciplines - such as finance, operations, and technology - in a lighthearted way.

We use the concepts in our seminars and find that people in other disciplines -- such as finance, operations, and technology -- really appreciate our humorous approach to branding. More importantly, they get the message. After one of our seminars, a Senior VP of Operations told us, "I finally realize how important doing branding correctly is to the entire organization, not just marketing."

The Layout

For each letter, there is a brief description of why the concept is important and a cartoon that captures the essence of the concept in a humorous and memorable way. The letters are also annotated with:

Cow Tips:
Things that can sneak up on you and upset your brand strategy if you're not paying attention.

Sheep Shots:
Comments from an alternative point of view.

At the end of the book are a series of useful exercises that help you determine how well your brand strategy is working.

Only $14.95 to GetContactX Members

plus shipping and handling and applicable sales tax

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to buy it now 

What people are saying about the book

The book is wonderful! What a great client gift! It belongs on every business owner's desk - not to mention the marketing department.

I found it to be a creative and humorous way of conveying wisdom relating to a serious part of the business.

I think it's great! As you know, I like to use cartoons to generate interest. You've done that just right in this book.

I love it! I'm going to send it to the head of our rebranding effort!

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