The Yin and Yang of Leadership (.pdf)
CattLeLogos CEO, Jean Wilcox, recently spoke to the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) on the power of leadership. Specifically, Jean presented the Yin and Yang of Leadership, including traits of great leaders, (mis)communications and team dynamics.
Brand Management for Entreprenuers (.pdf)
Entrepreneurs need good brand management just as much, if not more than, established companies. It�s critically important to establish a professional image as soon as possible. First impressions are important �
whether of your company or you personally.
Brand Management for Small Companies (.pdf)
Small companies need good brand management just as much, if not more than, large companies. And it�s not just for products.
It�s just as important for small service companies and entrepreneurs trying to establish a market position.
Top Ten Myths About Branding (.pdf)
Branding is a misunderstood animal. Come with us as we debunk ten of the top myths about branding from "Branding is Only a Logo" to "My Kid Can Design our Logo and Build our Web Site".
Brand Management Platform saves Time (.pdf)
Using a CattLeLogos Brand Pro Platform, Lawrence Associates LLC, a start-up consulting company, was quickly able to create a strong professional image. What surprised them was the fact that by using the Brand Pro Platform
they were able to create these high-quality materials significantly more quickly and at lower cost than they had previously.
How was this possible?
Building your Brand into your Corporate DNA (.pdf)
To build a strong brand presence in today's environment, your brand must be widely disseminated, easily understood and used by many.
The key to this is to create business processes that enable the brand values to be implemented by all members of the company. These business processes are the "Corporate DNA" and their genetic code is captured in the Brand Platform.
Brand Management for Small Companies (.pdf)
Today�s customers are dealing with an overwhelming number of choices. In a market of too many choices, what does one buy? People go with the familiar.
So, developing brand awareness and delivering on your brand promise are essential.
Small companies need to have a clear strategy in place for what they want their brand to stand for, implement the business processes to support it, and communicate to everyone in their company the importance of good brand management.
Windows or Linux (.pdf)
In these challenging economic times, IT managers looking to reduce budgets have naturally been attracted to Linux since there are little or no costs involved in acquiring the software.
But, software licensing costs are only a fraction of the costs associated with an IT operating system. Just how well does Linux compare with Windows economically when all of the costs of migrating, operating and maintaining each platform under real-world conditions are considered?
Which is the lowest cost platform over the lifecycle of the system? [A white paper written by Jean Wilcox and Jane Cameron in association with Lawrence Associates.
The ABC�s of Small Business Marketing
The following papers are part of a nine-part article series on branding called The ABC�s of Small Business Marketing. Developed in conjunction with �The Business Owner� newsletter,
this series on branding provides basic business management information and know-how to owners of small and mid-size private businesses.
Marketing Mayhem (.pdf)
Customers today have an overwhelming number of choices. How do they cope? They buy the familiar. More accurately, they buy the one they trust.
Or, the one with whom they feel comfortable, fun, appreciated, etc. How do you make sure they choose you? Create awareness for your company,
products and services. But that is not enough. You must get them to like you and trust you. How do you do this? It rarely occurs by chance.
Brand Vision (.pdf)
People have choices about from whom to buy. Who do they choose? They choose persons or companies that offer the highest potential benefit and the lowest potential risk.
How do they know which person or company offers the best balance of these factors? They don�t know. Largely, they
make a guess � based on their instinct, beliefs and/or impressions. They purchase, that is, largely on our �brand�.
Logo and Look (.pdf)
Developing a professional image and implementing it consistently establishes an identity that others quickly recognize and remember.
Your logo is an important part of your image building or �branding� campaign. Granted, your logo is just one of your many branding efforts, but it is important � just as it everything you do, say, print and display.
Tag Lines and Copy (.pdf)
Your brand message is the set of words that you use to communicate about your company and its products or services. A tag line that accompanies the logo can be important, but it�s only one small
piece of the total message. All your communications should convey the same message about your business and your products.
Guerilla Marketing (.pdf)
How do you create a marketing mix that reaches your target market and increases revenue?
Explore the six steps needed to select the marketing activities or "means" with maximum payload, beginning with identifying where you are and where you need to be.
Quality Control (.pdf)
A strong brand presence is not enough. You must deliver your brand promises in all customer encounters. This means all employees, shareholders, and partners must know what the company
stands for as well as how to represent it in the marketplace.
Monitoring and Feedback Enables Continuous Improvement (.pdf)
Measuring results and reviewing feedback is often overlooked beyond the immediate need, but can be strategically used to improve sales effectivenness and understanding of your customers.
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