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     Certified Women's Business Enterprise
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Not sure where to begin when implementiing your brand? Our seminar series can help by explaining the basics of:


A seminar presents the power of using of templates for creating corporate materials. Examples are given to show how creating and using templates for programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word can enhance the brand image, and significantly lower the cost of producing high quality materials.
Target Audience: Anyone who creates presentations, documents, and marketing materials.
Benefits: A means for eliminating hidden costs and enhancing your brand presence.

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This course focuses on creating the form and content for today�s business presentations. Today�s professionals need to quickly and clearly present themselves to a wide variety of audiences. While many have had in depth training in speaking, few have had any training in how to create the materials used in today�s business environment. Guidelines for what to include and how to present it, based on the target audience are the basis of this seminar.
Target Audience: Anyone who must design materials used in presentations.
Benefits: Materials that enhance your image and message.

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This is an in depth course on how to effectively use Microsoft PowerPoint. The focus is the use of templates and associated techniques for quickly creating materials that can be easily modified and exchanged with others within a group. Methods and processes for maintaining the consistent look essential to brand image are also presented. The course emphasizes the underlying framework associated with Microsoft PowerPoint, which when understood enables the user to greatly enhance their productivity and the quality of the materials they produce.
Target Audience: Anyone who must use Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentation materials.
Benefits: Lowered frustration, increased productivity, and a more professional look to presentation materials.

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This is an in depth course on how to effectively use Microsoft Word. The focus is on the use of templates, styles, and formatting. The focus is on how to quickly create materials that have a consistent look that captures your business�s image. A word processing system like any software program has its own structure; understanding how to make it work for you will enhance your ability to quickly produce the materials you need.
Target Audience: Anyone who uses Microsoft Word to create documents used in their business.
Benefits: Lowered frustration, increased productivity, and a consistent, professional look to your correspondence and documents.

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Be sure to learn about our Brand Awareness seminars as well.