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AbuLLard's ABC's of Branding

26 concepts that Capture the Essence of Good Brand Management

From the forward to the book:

It seemed to us that most business books about branding were too thick and too analytical for most people, especially if branding wasn�t their primary interest. Our approach to demystifying the process of good branding was to reduce it to concepts that we could make visual and memorable by illustrating them in a humorous, slightly irreverent way.

We tried the concept in a number of seminars and were delighted to find that people in other disciplines — such as finance, operations, and technology — really appreciated our humorous approach to branding. More importantly, they got the message. After one of our seminars, a Senior VP of Operations told us he finally realized how important doing branding correctly was to the entire organization, not just marketing.

The Layout

For each letter, there is a brief description of why the concept is important and a cartoon that captures the essence of the concept in a humorous and memorable way. The letters are also annotated with:

Cow Tips:
Things that can sneak up on you and upset your brand strategy if you're not paying attention.

Sheep Shots:
Comments from an alternative point of view.

At the end of the book are a series of useful exercises that help you determine how well your brand strategy is working.

plus shipping and handling and applicable sales tax

A quick and
entertaining way to learn the basics of good brand management.

See the book.
Sample pages include:

Table of Contents
A is for Appropriate
Z is for Zealous
How Now Brand Cow?