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the Official NewsLetter at the CattLeLogos CorraL

the Latest NewsLetter

January, 2006
Columns include: Cross Cultural Branding; How Culture Affects Web Sites, Cross Cultural Marketing Mistakes, reviews of S. Van Gelder's "Global Brand Strategy" and D.B. Holt's, "How Brands Become Icons", and our monthly brand element spotlighting Jobecca Technology Group, LLC.


December, 2005
Columns include: The Twelve Days of Branding; The Art of Internet Gifting, Top Ten Brand Events of 2005, a review of S. Godin's, "The Big Moo", and our monthly brand tip.

November, 2005
Columns include: The Yin and Yang of Leadership; Systematic Message Platforms, Branded "Thank You's", a review of D. Aaker's and E. Joachimsthaler's, "Brand Leadership", and our monthly brand tip.

October, 2005
Highlights include: Our New Seminars; Message Platforms that Last and Last; Putting Some Zing in a Networking Organization; a review of M. Haig's, "Brand Failures", and our monthly brand tip.

September, 2005
Highlights include Expanding Your Brand Through Volunteer Work; Keyword Strength: Listen, Compare, and Differentiate � Step One: Listen; Circle of Life: An Approachable Look; a review of M. Lindstrom's, "Brand Sense", and our monthly brand tip.

August, 2005
Highlights include Beach BLanket Branding; Surfng the Net � the Case for Public Beachfront; Brand Element: Brand Positioning; a review of J. Fforde's, "the Eyre Affair", and our monthly brand tip.

July, 2005
June, 2005
May, 2005
April, 2005
March, 2005
February, 2005
January, 2005
December, 2004

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