AbuLLard is a frequent speaker on Branding. To hear some of his interviews, Click here.
AbuLLard, Senior Advisor and Teacher
AbuLLard is a very wise cow. He has learned about the branding process from experience throughout his professional career. He has a deep understanding of the pain everyone experiences when a brand image is imposed on an organization without the appropriate preparation. He believes that if the brand is introduced early, the organization is prepared properly, and the correct tools are used then the entire process can be made painless.
He shares his experience and his insights in the hopes that everyone will avoid the pain of being branded the wrong way.
AbuLLard's alter ego - Dr. Jean K. Wilcox
Dr. Jean Wilcox, one of the founding partners of Nenko Advisors, LLC and former CEO of CattLeLogos Brand Management Systems, is a rare mix of scientist, artist and musician. Clients value her unique combination of technical, marketing, communication, and design skills, her practical approach to problems, and her ability to "get things done."
Jean earned a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Chicago and soon discovered that she had a talent for communicating complex subjects in language and visual concepts that any audience could understand. She is recognized for her talent to envision the big picture and to communicate it clearly, and visually, to any type of organization.
Jean also has a gift for color and design, and has been active in both developing and using computer graphics for over 25 years. (Yes, they've been around that long and she worked at the place much of it was invented, Xerox's Palo Alto Reasearch Center).
Jean has won high praise for her presentation skills and been told that she "plays PowerPoint like a piano!" She is a dynamic speaker on a variety of topics around branding, leadership, and cross cultural communications.
Jean has been cited over the years for her ability to work across functionality and cross culturally — having particularly strong connections in Japan where she has built lasting relationships with Japanese business colleagues in addition to developing a sense of Japanese design elements.
What keeps her going is her sense of humor ... Her motto is "She who laughs, lasts."