Business Planning and Market Readiness: CattLeLogos Services
Determine just how well your business model works, and use it to frame your business plan. Answer:
- How are other businesses like mine making their money?
- Are my business forecasts believable or are they a "have faith" argument?
- Can sales targets actually be achieved based on estimated sales cycles and staffing?
- Are the critical benefits and differentiators of my business easily understood?
- Are the risks to my business success outlined? Is my response to those risks reasonable?
- Are my business arrangements articulated clearly?
- Has my business or management team demonstrated any track record of success?
- Am I crystal clear as to how my investors get paid? Have I communicated this to them?
CattLeLogos consultants have experience presenting budgets, product roll-out strategies, and business plans to senior management and investors.
We've assisted start-ups and small businesses secure funding by improving the quality of their business plans and presentations.
We take a hard look at your business, and perform a critical review of your presentations and business materials.
In preparing you for the marketplace, we:
- Assess your plans for positioning technology and products.
- Align your message platform to customer need.
- Draft customer account plans, reseaching and profiling key customers as needed.
- Create draft budgets for your marketing launches.
- Clarify how existing business processes impact your strategy and sales goals.
- Define the implementation of your partner strategies.
- Prepare you for investor presentations.
- Conduct informal due diligence reviews.
Together we can validate the accuracy of your business plan, including any assumptions for:
- Your products and technology.
- Staffing and organizational structure.
- Revenue targets and sales channels.
- Competition and market share.
- Customers and willingness-to-pay.
- Company reputation and brand.
- Marketing and communications.
- Customer expectations for service and support.
- Budgets and financing.
Contact CattLeLogos today to find out how we can meet your individualied market readiness needs.
Case Studies: