The CSC Group
The CSC Group
a company comprised of a network of training and development professionals,
type practitioners and organizational consultants who are dedicated to
fostering human growth and development in the workplace. The CSC Group provides the structure and a
common vocabulary for people to understand and talk about different styles,
and how and in which business situation each style contributes to the good
of the whole.
CattLeLogos developed a basic brand package for the CSC Group including a
number of document and presentation templates. By incorporating our basic
branding principles of "Appropriate, Believable and Consistent" the CSC
Group now projects an very professional image on a par with that of much
larger organizations.
The most usual work we did for the CSC Group though was the creation of a
group of eight different caricatures, each of whom represented a particular
personality type found in the MBTI. By using these characters, the CSC group
illustrates the different types of communications styles in a way that
really gets the message across.
�Our package and approach to clients is so professional that our client list now includes several Fortune 500
companies.� C.J. Stengel, President, The CSC Group |